Hello Loves! So sorry I've been MIA again. The past few weeks have been crazy. I'm neck deep in the move right now. No internet. Polishes and equipment packed away in boxes. And going out of my mind!
Blogging has been my escape. It relaxes me and helps me cope with life. So not being able to post and share is driving me insane. I would do anything for a moment to swatch and write, but it will be a bit before I can get back to it. Hopefully not too long, but probably a week or two.
I haven't posted much about the move other than the fact that it is happening. Well, here's the quick story. As y'all know, I changed careers. It was a complete 180 from database administration and marketing to nail tech. Building a business is hard. And slow. But I'm doing what I love and that matters soooo much! Business is building, but not fast enough for us to keep up. We had a decision to make. Either I quit and go back to my previous career, or we downsize to give ourselves some wiggle room until I establish my book. Well, I've fought too damned hard for this to give up now! So we purchased a duplex (for those who aren't familiar, its basically a house that is split down the middle into two apartments). We're moving into one side and renting out the other. Its the perfect arrangement for us at this stage in my career. The only drawback is we are going from a 2000 sq ft house to a 900 sq ft apartment. So we have a lot of reducing to do. Sometimes you have to take a step backward to move forward, ya know?
Through this moving process, I've learned a few things about myself. Y'all, I'm a freaking hoarder. Not just with nail stuff, but everything. We haven't thrown away or purged anything from our house in 10 years. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but the amount of crap we have in this house is amazing. There are things I held onto that I'm having to sort through and donate. Like baby stuff. My littlest will be 3 in April and I still have all of the baby clothes....ALL of them. And baby gear. And maternity clothes. Any my skinny clothes from 10 years and 80 lbs ago that even if I did manage to get back into would be a fashion disaster to wear. 😂
So that's where I am now. Stuck in life reduction hell with no internet (I'm posting this from my phone), no access to nail stuff except for what I have at the salon, and no time to even think about anything other than reducing and moving.
But I'll be back. I promise, as soon as I can finish purging, boxing and moving, my nail stuff will be the first thing I unpack. I have so much to share with you! Those Madam Glams, some bundle monsters (gel polishes, plates and a stamper), new KBShimmers, a new gel polish brand, some client nails...so so much to share!
Plus I miss you all!