Hello Loves! So, it's 1:00 am and I'm still awake. I have to be up in...oh...4 hours to take the boy to school, but I made a few changes to the site tonight and figured I should at least give y'all an update to explain what's going on. ;)
To make a long story short (and yes, I am capable of keeping things short...maybe), I have a new logo!
This new logo will start appearing as my watermark with upcoming posts. :) And I just want y'all to know, I drew that polish bottle and brush myself...in photoshop elements...with a standard mouse. It took me all freaking evening to get it right. Needless to say, I'm pretty proud of it even if it isn't completely smooth and perfect.
Why the change? Well...I'll soon have a new home (salon home) to go with it. It breaks my heart to announce this, but I recently made the very difficult decision to leave Artistic Expressions Hair Salon in Braselton, GA. Y'all, I've cried over this for weeks. I don't WANT to leave. The stylists there are awesome and so much fun to work with and my clients are amazing. Sadly, the commute was killing me. I was spending an hour and a half each day just driving to and from the salon - an hour and a half that I could be spending with my family. Plus it was proving very difficult to build my book so far from home when I couldn't hang out and network without missing family time. So after 7 great months at Artistic, I made the decision to take my business home. I'm currently working to set up a little room in a great hair salon in Athens, GA that is only 7 minutes from my house. Yeah, it sucks starting over, but I know this is the best move for my family. Plus I'll have more time to blog! Whoo Hoo!
With that said, there will be more changes coming to the site soon. You'll start seeing this logo popping up too. (Yeah, I know...the red looks different. It has something to do with the way I saved the file, but I'm too danged tired to figure it out tonight.)
But don't worry! My little slice of the internet here isn't changing much. I might add a new home page that will give people the option to visit my salon page or head on over here to the blog, but other than that it will be business as usual. Swatches, reviews, art...the normal stuff.
Yes, I have reviews coming. I promise! I have some Akzentz Options, the new Pink Gellac colors, a review of the large clear stamper from Purjoi Nail Studio, more Madam Glam swatches (Hi Tiane! I promise I'll have those up for you soon!), and a bunch of other stuff to show you too. Hopefully I can get all those up before long. Thank you for sticking with me while I try to get my business off the ground. I know I've been a bit hit or miss with posting lately. I'll get it back together eventually!
But for now, I'm going to bed before I crash head first into my laptop. 'Nite everyone!
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